Monthly Archives: April 2017

Ready When You Are

Like a chronic behind-the-wheel nosepicker who hasn’t picked and flicked in the last few trips to the Quiki Mart, I’ve been itchin’ to get back out there and slime someone’s windshield with nasal aggregate. It’s time to strap on and suit up…to start skating in earnest again.  Outdoors, on the trail. For fun, not profit. Actually, the only money I’ve been making money off speed skating the last few years is by selling my gear on ebay or Nettracing…but that hasn’t been paying the bills…like this sport ever did.

But I’ve also been thinking about writing again…about something more than Human Capital or shenanigans within Supply Chains. So I’m gonna start firing off snot rockets here on the blog, and I’m I’m gonna start skating again. Russell Stover’s Pectin Jelly Bean season is officially over, time to start masterblading with gusto.back

Where to start…well, it’s all about striding and gliding. About the speed of intelligent motion. It’s falling forward and double penetration. Whoops! I mean pushing, double pushing. (Awkward!) It’s about getting low, down in the heel, pushing the full blade to the side and falling forward. I think it’s like riding a bike, but…it’s not. Because cyclists still suck, at least here in my town they still do. F them. Freelz. Developing…bigly.