Monthly Archives: October 2011

Me and my big mouth

If you haven’t figured it out yet…this blog is written on an 8th grade level. I’m a potty-mouth from New Jersey whose sense of self and humor stopped developing in the locker-room at Theo. Schor Middle School. So if you’re expecting some high-brow, learned and sophisticated analysis of all things inline speed skating when you come here, you’re in for a rude awakening. This blog serves as an outlet for my self-absorbed speed weenie.

You are what you eat.

That said, it’s a very rare thing for me to apologize to anyone for anything out here. With one exception: I promised Debbie Cotter I’d publicly apologize for what I said in a post about things that happened at a meet that I knew little about. I pissed her off. I’m good at that. Sorry Debbie. I do appreciate everything you do for Team United, and your meets are a great time, despite my ravings!

And I’ve been away for a while, so I thought it would be a good thing to do some house cleaning before the new blogging season begins…here are some quick updates on posts that may or may not occur in the coming months:

– I did skate ODN and have a lot to say about THAT experience. Coming soon.

– I did not skate Duluth. Had more to do with the company I keep (or…kept) than the race itself. Sorry I missed it this year, but then again, not really. Wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. But maybe that’s because I was in California that weekend! 😛

– I’ve not been training as hard as I wanted to on ice, so I’m not quite where I wanted to be at this point. Probably not worth talking about here (but what is, really?)

– Worlds 2011. I ain’t sayin’ f’all bout that. I’m glad the French guy got DQ’d in the 20k though. That race was Mantia’s. Watch the video of the last 7 seconds.

– I’d planned on competing indoor next year and making the commitment to train with a goal of making Nationals. Don’t know if I’m going to stick with that plan. More on that later.

– I’ll never apologize for what I say about cyclists who think it’s OK to train for the Tour De Ballzack on MIXED USE RECREATION TRAILS. If you want to go that fast, hit the road, jackasses.

– My relationship with my skates has become Love-Hate-Love. More on this in the coming months.

The real purpose of this post is to let you know I’m still here, still skating. So many have written asking when I’ll post again. It’s been a busy year. But I’ve still got plenty of blather to whip you into a lather. So stay tuned, skate hard, skate fast, turn left (and right if you skate outdoors.)